Good enough is good enough. It took me a really long time to get there.

I'm recovery, we record the full Serenity Prayer, but the line I despise has become my favorite. "Reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with G*d forever in the next."

I would refuse to utter the words "reasonably happy" because I figured that if I wasn't "completely happy,"I was doing something wrong or not trying hard enough.

Then an epiphany... "Good enough REALLY is good enough." Suddenly, the concept of Serenity was attainable and understandable. So, yes...fellow "Hickman," you speak the truth here...

"One must learn to say 'good enough,' without even the slightest breath of cynicism or fatalism. One must learn to say 'good enough' with hope in their heart."

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Please take care of yourselves in your travels. I need these periodic infusions of wonder and beauty. God Bless.

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Sending the light! Every essay I read to my Family as a great Educational Treatise :)

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