Love it! I won a corn cob pipe at a carnival when I was 12. Still enjoy one good cigar a week. I love your demolition job on vile cigarettes. I’ve always hated everything about them. But you said far better than I ever had.
Lippers, hand rolled cigs, CT shade Caribbean fill cigars are pleasures to be had in moderation. Can there be pietists without liturgicals? Why must there always be a binary definition. Throw the ‘with us o against us’ tendency out. Maybe lean to unity, you can’t have one without the other. That is love after all.
I grew up on a ranch in Montana. A lot of the cowboys chewed Copenhagen. Of course in those days it was no fancy long cut. A few chewed Skoal which was flavored. My older brother started at 14. I never did. When he was running between 3 ranches in Texas, Montana and Oregon, and getting 3 hours of sleep a night, he survived on Iced tea and up to 5 cans a day. That takes a 3 finger dip and his lip was deformed, but it kept him awake and alive. He finally went down to 3 cans a day in his 50s and 60s. He never got mouth cancer, but he would cough until he puked sometimes. Apparently when you chew that much you breath in a LOT of the fumes. I never understood it myself, but Dan was always in a battle with life. I guess it helped him get through it though. Considering that one can has the nicotine of 3 packs of cigarettes, he could have just mainlined it, but that would not have been cowboy.
There! That’s a good’un. Gave me a new perspective. Though, reducing the issue to two opposite energies seems to be exactly what numbers do - simplify. We can never be only Pietists
or Liturgicals. Seems like declaring that risks strengthening the divide.
As to the swamps - can you successfully hide in them nowadays?
Great essay, from what I've seen most of the cancer is from Asian smokeless tobacco . Also smokeless tobacco is already banned in most all of the EU but cigarettes are legal!
Love it! I won a corn cob pipe at a carnival when I was 12. Still enjoy one good cigar a week. I love your demolition job on vile cigarettes. I’ve always hated everything about them. But you said far better than I ever had.
pressure is on... i haven't set aside the time to read much in months, so i am catching up using the audio versions
What’s this about a corncob pipe? -mom
Lippers, hand rolled cigs, CT shade Caribbean fill cigars are pleasures to be had in moderation. Can there be pietists without liturgicals? Why must there always be a binary definition. Throw the ‘with us o against us’ tendency out. Maybe lean to unity, you can’t have one without the other. That is love after all.
I grew up on a ranch in Montana. A lot of the cowboys chewed Copenhagen. Of course in those days it was no fancy long cut. A few chewed Skoal which was flavored. My older brother started at 14. I never did. When he was running between 3 ranches in Texas, Montana and Oregon, and getting 3 hours of sleep a night, he survived on Iced tea and up to 5 cans a day. That takes a 3 finger dip and his lip was deformed, but it kept him awake and alive. He finally went down to 3 cans a day in his 50s and 60s. He never got mouth cancer, but he would cough until he puked sometimes. Apparently when you chew that much you breath in a LOT of the fumes. I never understood it myself, but Dan was always in a battle with life. I guess it helped him get through it though. Considering that one can has the nicotine of 3 packs of cigarettes, he could have just mainlined it, but that would not have been cowboy.
There! That’s a good’un. Gave me a new perspective. Though, reducing the issue to two opposite energies seems to be exactly what numbers do - simplify. We can never be only Pietists
or Liturgicals. Seems like declaring that risks strengthening the divide.
As to the swamps - can you successfully hide in them nowadays?
Great essay, from what I've seen most of the cancer is from Asian smokeless tobacco . Also smokeless tobacco is already banned in most all of the EU but cigarettes are legal!